John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Constructions
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Shadow Forms
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Constructions
(individual) varying sizes: 8 -14 inches in height, 2 inch depth

John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White Lever
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
32" x 2.25" x 2"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White Vertical w/ Cavity
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
28" x 1.25" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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Light Grey & Tan Vertical
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
36" x 1.75" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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Medium Grey & Tan Vertical
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
35" x 1.75" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White Vertical w/ Diagonal
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
17.25" x 1.25" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White & Tan Vertical w/ Diagonal
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
19" x 1.75" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White & Tan Vertical
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
18" x 1.25" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
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White & Tan Vertical w/ Right Angle
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage on Wood Construction
16.75" x 3.75" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and Paper Collage, on Carved Wood Relief Constructions
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Astrolade (2 Parts)
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and Paper Collage, on Carved Wood Relief Constructions
20.75 x 20.75 x 1.5" (overall)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Stamped Paper Collars, Mounted to Wood, Misc. Hardware
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The Appearance of Unity
Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Stamped Paper Collars, Mounted to Wood, Misc. Hardware
62" x 62" x 1" (overall) 12 parts
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panel Construction with Found Object
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Portrait: Column
Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panel Construction with Found Object
23.25" x 16.25" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Boards, Mounted to Wood Panels, Wood Shelf
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Family Portrait
Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Boards, Mounted to Wood Panels, Wood Shelf
11.5" x 18.5" x 3.25" (Overall)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Starched Linen Collars on Painted-White-Welded Steel Frame
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Pattern Of Appearance II
1994 - 2018
Starched Linen Collars on Painted-White-Welded Steel Frame
23" x 21.25" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic on Bound Book, Acrylic & Wax on Found Wood Construction
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No Title (Book with Object)
Acrylic on Bound Book, Acrylic & Wax on Found Wood Construction
3" x 17.5" x 14" (2 Parts)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage 11.5" x 3.5" x 3.5"
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No Title (Spool)
11.5" x 3.5" x 3.5"
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and Paper Collage on Wood with Found Objects
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Wax on Carved Wood Construction, Waxed Limestone
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Small Marker
2002 - 2018
Acrylic, Wax on Carved Wood Construction, Waxed Limestone
48.5" x 6.5" x 6.5"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Ebony, Found Rule, Cording, Waxed Granite, Waxed Wood, Dyed Leather
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The Weight of Music
Waxed Ebony, Found Rule, Cording, Waxed Granite, Waxed Wood, Dyed Leather
72" x 6" x 6" (Overall, 2-Parts)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Welded Bronze w/ Patina
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Notched Arch
Welded Bronze w/ Patina
4" x 14" x 1"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Wax on Milled Wood, Acrylic on Cast Plaster & Wood, Wax on Found Hand-Made Pear-wood Scribe
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Act of Retrieval (3 Parts)
Wax on Milled Wood, Acrylic on Cast Plaster & Wood, Wax on Found Hand-Made Pear-wood Scribe
7.5" x 15.25" x 3.5" (overall, but not including wall-shelf/pedestal)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Paper & inlaid Starched Linen Collar, on Wood Construction, w/ Found/Altered Rule
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Measured Appearance
Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Paper & inlaid Starched Linen Collar, on Wood Construction, w/ Found/Altered Rule
14" x 25.5" x 2.75"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, acrylic, graphite wash, & paper collage on carved wood construction
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The Wild
Graphite, acrylic, graphite wash, & paper collage on carved wood construction
96.5" x 2.25" x 2.25"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, acrylic, graphite wash, & paper collage on carved wood construction
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Detail of "The Wild"
Graphite, acrylic, graphite wash, & paper collage on carved wood construction
96.5" x 2.25" x 2.25"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash & Paper Collage, on Wood Constructions
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Grey & Ecru Construct I, II, & III (3 Parts)
Acrylic, Graphite Wash & Paper Collage, on Wood Constructions
Variable: Each about 12-14" x 18-24" x 2"

Collection of the Rockford Art Museum
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic & Graphite Wash on Wood Form, Acrylic & Varnish on Fabric and Found Embroidery Hoop, Brazed Stainless Steel Hook
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Drawn / Withdrawn (3-parts)
Acrylic & Graphite Wash on Wood Form, Acrylic & Varnish on Fabric and Found Embroidery Hoop, Brazed Stainless Steel Hook
14" x 6" x 1.75"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, & M/M Collage on Wood Construction w/ Found Object
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Vertical Form w/ Capital
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, & M/M Collage on Wood Construction w/ Found Object
55" x 3.5" x 3.25"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Wood Box Construction, w/ Found Objects
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Vertical Time
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, on Wood Box Construction, w/ Found Objects
29.75" x 3" x 2.5"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite Wash, & Acrylic on Board, Mounted to Wood Panel Construction
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Double Portrait
Graphite Wash, & Acrylic on Board, Mounted to Wood Panel Construction
10" x 14" x 1.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Paper Collage, Linen Tuxedo Collar, on Wood Construction, w/ Found Objects
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Formal Solution
Acrylic, Paper Collage, Linen Tuxedo Collar, on Wood Construction, w/ Found Objects
13.5" x 18.25" x 2.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, & Paper Collage, on Wood Construction, w/ Found Objects
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Then & Now
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, & Paper Collage, on Wood Construction, w/ Found Objects
4" x 23.5" x 1.75"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Double Vertical Assemblage, w/ Pivoting Horizontal T-Square & Bracket, M/M Collage (Paper & Textile), Cording w/ Found Element, Wood Step Construction
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Lisbon Gate (Homage to Pedro Cabrita Reis) (4-parts)
Double Vertical Assemblage, w/ Pivoting Horizontal T-Square & Bracket, M/M Collage (Paper & Textile), Cording w/ Found Element, Wood Step Construction
114" x 54" x 16"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage (Paper and Textile), on Wood Construction w/ Pivoting Wood Element & Bracket, Cording & Collage on Paper/Wood Hang-Tag, & Found Objects
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Signal II
Acrylic, Graphite Wash, M/M Collage (Paper and Textile), on Wood Construction w/ Pivoting Wood Element & Bracket, Cording & Collage on Paper/Wood Hang-Tag, & Found Objects
74" x 30" x 2.5" (as installed)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, Mixed Media Collage on Four Panels, Wall Shelf Construction, w/ Found/Altered Rule Mounted to Wood
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(Measured) Four-Part Horizon
Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, Mixed Media Collage on Four Panels, Wall Shelf Construction, w/ Found/Altered Rule Mounted to Wood
25.5" x 38" x 5.5"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and M/M Collage on Wood Panels, Acrylic and Graphite Wash on Wood Shelf Construction
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Graphite, Acrylic, Graphite Wash, and M/M Collage on Wood Panels, Acrylic and Graphite Wash on Wood Shelf Construction
28.5" H x 84" W x 5.5" D (overall)

Wall-bound wood shelf construction w/ eleven mixed media collages on wood panel "tablets"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panels, with Wood Shelf Construction
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The Confines of Consistency
Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panels, with Wood Shelf Construction
22.5" x 72" x 5.75" (Shelf with 9 tablets)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, and Mixed-Media Collage on Six Wood Panels, and Wood Shelf Construction
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Lessons Learned I
Graphite, Acrylic, and Mixed-Media Collage on Six Wood Panels, and Wood Shelf Construction
19 1/2" x 40 3/4" x 5 1/2"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, and Mixed-Media Collage on Four Wood Panels, and Wood Shelf Construction
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Lessons Learned II
Graphite, Acrylic, and Mixed-Media Collage on Four Wood Panels, and Wood Shelf Construction
17" x 24" x 3 1/2"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panels, with Wood Shelf Construction
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Lessons Learned III
Mixed Media Collage on Wood Panels, with Wood Shelf Construction
20" x 26.25" x 5.25" (shelf with 4 tablets)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Maple Plinth, Leather East Indian Ledger w/ Unbound Papers, Cording, Ink & Sealing Wax on Cotton, Acrylic on Found Clay Pipe
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 80
No Title (From Anya)
Waxed Maple Plinth, Leather East Indian Ledger w/ Unbound Papers, Cording, Ink & Sealing Wax on Cotton, Acrylic on Found Clay Pipe
5" x 9" x 10" (2 Parts)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage 2-Part Waxed Cherry Cone Form, Acrylic on Thread/Spool, Canvas Collage
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Spool / Cone Form
2-Part Waxed Cherry Cone Form, Acrylic on Thread/Spool, Canvas Collage
3.75" x 25.25" x 3.75"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Steel, Waxed Wood, Waxed Found Embroidery Hoop, Stainless Hook (4 Parts)
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Sphere (split) & Ellipse
Waxed Steel, Waxed Wood, Waxed Found Embroidery Hoop, Stainless Hook (4 Parts)
9 1/4" x 10" x 3 5/8" overall

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Tin, Waxed Found Wood Embroidery Hoop, Acrylic on Fabric, Stainless Hook (3 Parts)
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Two Forms : Open & Closed
Waxed Tin, Waxed Found Wood Embroidery Hoop, Acrylic on Fabric, Stainless Hook (3 Parts)
11 1/4" x 4" x 1 3/4" overall
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Steel, Waxed Wood, Acrylic on Cardboard, Paper, & Wood Insert, Stainless U-Bracket (4 Parts)
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No Title (Box, Cone Form & Shelf)
Waxed Steel, Waxed Wood, Acrylic on Cardboard, Paper, & Wood Insert, Stainless U-Bracket (4 Parts)
20" x 4" x 4" overall

No Longer Extant
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed & Welded Steel, Waxed Wood, Acrylic on Fabric & Found Wood Embroidery Hoop, Stainless Hook (3 Parts)
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Wrapped Circle, Rectangle, & Cross
Waxed & Welded Steel, Waxed Wood, Acrylic on Fabric & Found Wood Embroidery Hoop, Stainless Hook (3 Parts)
20" x 6" x 2 1/2" overall

Collection of Harald & Eva Kröner, Pforzheim, Germany
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Latex, and Wax on Wood, with Integral Pedestal
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Acrylic, Latex, and Wax on Wood, with Integral Pedestal
59" x 6 5/8" x 7"

Collection of the Artist
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
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Cube Pair
Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
Each Cube: 11 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 11 1/2"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
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Stepped Positive
Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
18" x 23.75" x 3.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic & wax on carved wood construction/s
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The Distance Between Height & Width (4-parts)
Acrylic & wax on carved wood construction/s
65.25" x 65.25 x 2" (overall)
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Wood Construction & Found Object, Folded & Sewn Wax, Paper Envelope, Steel Nail
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Vertical w/ T-Square
Acrylic and Wax on Wood Construction & Found Object, Folded & Sewn Wax, Paper Envelope, Steel Nail
28" x 4" x 2"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
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Horizontal Composition I
Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
3.5" x 24" x 3"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
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Horizontal Composition I (Side view)
Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
3.5" x 24" x 3"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
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On & Away
Graphite, acrylic, and collage on wood construction
3.5 x 24 x 4"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
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Inside Pair
Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
Each: 5" x 5" x 2 1/4"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic & Wax On Carved Wood, On Panels
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Inter-Connected III
Acrylic & Wax On Carved Wood, On Panels
30" x 24" x 2"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
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Biased Pair
Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Constructions (2 Parts)
Each: 5" x 5" x 2"
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Construction (not shown: welded / waxed steel base)
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Acrylic and Wax on Carved Wood Construction (not shown: welded / waxed steel base)
96" x 4 1/2" x 4 1/2"

Collection of the McNay Museum of Art, San Antonio, Texas
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
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Cube IV
Graphite, Acrylic, and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
8.25" x 8.25" x 8.25"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Wax on Found 3-part Drafting Square, Mounted to Wood and Waxed Aluminum
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Perimeter Square
Wax on Found 3-part Drafting Square, Mounted to Wood and Waxed Aluminum
48" x 54" x 3"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed & Milled Aluminum, Waxed Found Wood Architect's Caliper with Metal, Wax on Stained Wood (2 Parts)
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Waxed & Milled Aluminum, Waxed Found Wood Architect's Caliper with Metal, Wax on Stained Wood (2 Parts)
24" x 90" x 2"

Collection: Laura R. Fraser
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
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No Title (Woven Cylinder)
Graphite, Acrylic, and Wax on Carved Wood Construction
8" x 24" x 8"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Leather and Brass Game Strap, Acrylic and Varnish on Linen Shirt Collars, Buttons, Quilting Thread
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Game Strap
Leather and Brass Game Strap, Acrylic and Varnish on Linen Shirt Collars, Buttons, Quilting Thread

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic on Woven Choir-boy Shirt Collars, Wire, Antique Buttons
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Woven Section
Acrylic on Woven Choir-boy Shirt Collars, Wire, Antique Buttons
16" x 16" x 2" (Framed)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic, Mixed Media Collage, and Varnish on Wood Construction
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No Title (Measured Portrait)
Acrylic, Mixed Media Collage, and Varnish on Wood Construction
5.75" x 4.25" x 3.75" (not including maple plinth)

Collection: Laura R. Fraser
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acyrlic, Varnish, and Paper Collage on Wood Panel Construction
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Third From the Left, Second From the Right
Graphite, Acyrlic, Varnish, and Paper Collage on Wood Panel Construction
6" x 24" x 4" (overall, in 2 parts)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Varnish on Boxed Linen Shirt Collars, Paper, on Welded/Waxed Steel Wall Shelf (Variable)
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Shelved Identities
Acrylic and Varnish on Boxed Linen Shirt Collars, Paper, on Welded/Waxed Steel Wall Shelf (Variable)
20" x 60" x 10" (overall)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Waxed Wood Construction
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 134
Canister with A-Block
Waxed Wood Construction
(3 pieces) 3.5" x 2.5" x 2.5" (canister only, closed)

Collection: Laura R. Fraser
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Paper Collage & Wax on Found Piano Leg & Walking Cane
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 136
No Title (cane-leg)
Paper Collage & Wax on Found Piano Leg & Walking Cane
32" x 4" x 8"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic & Varnish on Wood Panel Construction, w/ Inlaid Found Wood Element
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Acrylic & Varnish on Wood Panel Construction, w/ Inlaid Found Wood Element
48 x 48 x 2.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Wood Structure, w/ Starched Linen Collars, Dyed Leather, Wire & Antique Buttons
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No Title (Collar Cone)
Wood Structure, w/ Starched Linen Collars, Dyed Leather, Wire & Antique Buttons
24" x 12" x 12"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Varnish on Starched Linen Collars, Dyed Leather, Stainless Steel Hardware (wall-bound)
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 142
No Title (Spring Wear)
Varnish on Starched Linen Collars, Dyed Leather, Stainless Steel Hardware (wall-bound)
26" x 8" x 8"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Bri-Wax on Wood Vessel, Plaster w/ Paper Collage, Found Wood & Brass Rule, Found Leather & Metal Buckle Strap
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No Title (Vessel w/ Rule)
Bri-Wax on Wood Vessel, Plaster w/ Paper Collage, Found Wood & Brass Rule, Found Leather & Metal Buckle Strap
30" x 5.5" x 5.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic & Varnish on Wood Panel Construction w/ Inserted Found Wood Sphere
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Small World / Time-Space
Acrylic & Varnish on Wood Panel Construction w/ Inserted Found Wood Sphere
36" x 36" x 3.5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Acrylic and Wax on Wood Construction w/ Found Objects
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Double Taper
Acrylic and Wax on Wood Construction w/ Found Objects
84" x 5" x 4"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Stain & Wax on 2-part Wood Construction
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Sphere: Halved, Quartered, Squared (2 Piece)
Stain & Wax on 2-part Wood Construction
16 ¼" x 12 ¼" x 3" overall
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Paper Collage, Wax, on Wood Shelf Construction, w/ Varnish on Starched Linen       Collars (brass stays), Stainless Tacks
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 152
Humbert & Parr
Graphite, Paper Collage, Wax, on Wood Shelf Construction, w/ Varnish on Starched Linen Collars (brass stays), Stainless Tacks
24" x 40" x 6" (as shown)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Collage on Wood Constructions
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Within I
Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Collage on Wood Constructions
22" x 11" x 6" (overall dimensions, 2-parts)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Paper Collage on Basswood Form, w/ Found Object
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AND (2 views, "open & closed")
Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Paper Collage on Basswood Form, w/ Found Object
9" x 12" x 3.5" (closed), 14" x 12" x 3.5" (open)

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Wax on Paper, on Wood Construction
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Graphite, Acrylic, Varnish, and Wax on Paper, on Wood Construction
12" x 18" x 5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Varnish, Inlaid Collage on Found Botanical Engraving, Black Screws, on Wood Structural Support, Enamel on Wood, Leather w/ Grommets, Silk Cording, Found Object
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 160
Nature’s Song (Artifact)
Graphite, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Varnish, Inlaid Collage on Found Botanical Engraving, Black Screws, on Wood Structural Support, Enamel on Wood, Leather w/ Grommets, Silk Cording, Found Object
Framed Dimensions (shadow box): 36" x 24" x 5"

Private Collection
John Fraser sculpture/assemblage Graphite, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Inlaid M/M Collage, Silk Textile, Thread, Silk Embroidery Floss, Enamel & Carbon-stain on Wood, Ivory Dice, Hemp Cording, Black Screws, Found Wood Rule, on Wood Support Structure, Wood Sphere, w/ Found Object ”bundle”
sculpture/assemblage ,  article artwork image 162
Cape May Prayer Box
Graphite, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Inlaid M/M Collage, Silk Textile, Thread, Silk Embroidery Floss, Enamel & Carbon-stain on Wood, Ivory Dice, Hemp Cording, Black Screws, Found Wood Rule, on Wood Support Structure, Wood Sphere, w/ Found Object ”bundle”
Framed Dimensions (shadow box): 48" x 48" x 8"

Private Collection